
Edward Hopper 1938-Compartment C, Car 293

Edward Hopper is probably my favorite American painter and he painted a lot, so picking one is difficult. So I picked one whose subject I enjoyed. That would be the genre of the thirties and forties, and railroad travel.


  1. Ich finde dieses Bild zeigt über 2. millionen emotions :)
    ich finde es toll!!!

    ich mag es
    es ist super
    voll toll
    super danke toll danke tschüss!!! <3

  2. Hello! I'm a very big art fan!! I really really really realy (...) love this picture. It shows soooo many emotions and this lady is very pretty. Her hair is so amazing. Edward Hopper is a really really good artist!! I'm so sad that he isn't alive anymore, because I would love to see more pictures of him. But my dad is a really really really good artist, too! But he has not so much time because he has to work a lot. Well I have to stop now!! Have a nice day!!!! Bye!

  3. super thanks super wonderful thanks, bye!

  4. ily :*
    i forgot that...

  5. ily :*
    i forgot that ... :)

  6. Good idea.Mister HF.T
